Kitsinian Law Firm, APC
After a car accident, even an adult can feel uneasy about getting behind the wheel and driving soon thereafter. You might worry that what led to your last crash could happen again. It’s unlikely that these feelings have dissipated but instead are at…
The impact of a car wreck can have a lot of effects on the body. A person who’s jarred and flung about in a crash can suffer significant injuries, including damage to their spinal cord. When this happened, there’s a…
Periodically, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) gathers and publishes statistics regarding fatal motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. In June of 2021, the NHTSA released its preliminary estimates of accident fatalities across the nation, and the outlook is grim. In…
Have you been scanning the news lately and feeling like you see more stories about serious car accidents and catastrophic injuries? Does it seem like the roads got far less safe as the temperatures increased this year? If so, you’re…
When you think of addiction causing car accidents, your first thought is probably that drivers who are addicted to alcohol may be more likely to drive under the influence. This puts everyone at risk. You can personally drive perfectly and…
In 2020, daily traffic on the roads dropped everywhere in the nation. In nearby Los Angeles, daily traffic volumes averaged anywhere from 30% to 50% below normal, although it sometimes dropped as much as 70%. Logically, traffic accidents and deaths…
Self-driving cars, or autonomous cars, certainly sound convenient. This is especially true when paired with ride-sharing services. The idea of being able to use an app to instantly summon a robotic car at any moment would give people a lot…
With the temperatures climbing and the state officially reopened, more and more people are out on the streets of Southern California. That can also mean more illegal activity. Street racing is an issue throughout the area. Earlier this month, a…
As you know, any motor vehicle accident has the potential to leave victims with severe or catastrophic injuries. However, some crashes are inherently more dangerous than others are. Examples include: The last ones do not receive enough consideration. Unfortunately, a…
Rear-end collisions happen when people simply don’t have enough space between their vehicles. This might happen because a driver is tailgating another one. It may happen because one driver cuts off another in traffic. Whatever the reason, when there isn’t…