Giving Back
Community building has always been a calling for Nareg Kitsinian. From his formidable years, Nareg has been directly involved in various community and civic organizations aspiring to improve the lives of others. As an attorney, he naturally gravitated towards the philanthropic work of Los Angeles Trial Lawyers' Charities (LATLC).
After supporting the organization for several years by attending its events, in 2021 Nareg was selected as an Honorary Board Member. In 2022, Nareg was elected to its Board of Directors and has since participated in every aspect of its philanthropic endeavors donating directly to help disabled children and the underserved and volunteering his time at LATLC events.
Los Angeles Trial Lawyers' Charities
Los Angeles Trial Lawyers' Charities (LATLC) is a non-profit organization that has been dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals in need throughout the Los Angeles community for over a decade.
At the heart of LATLC is its grant program, which awards funds to non-profit organizations that are making a tangible and positive impact in the broader Los Angeles community. The LATLC partners with over 121 partner-charities inspiring trial lawyers of all walks of life to get involved and make a difference in the lives of so many.
- It focuses its fundraising on education,
- children
- survivors of abuse
- persons with disabilities
- and persons experiencing homelessness.
- As of 2023, LATLC has donated $5,558
- 234 to the community
- provided 9,353 volunteer hours
- granted $186,700 to youth sports organizations and $265,000 in college scholarships.
Nareg can often be found at LATLC events, accompanied by his wife Ani and two children Sira and Daniel both of whom serve as Youth Ambassadors of LATLC and who often volunteer at its events.
Among LATLC’s various charitable events that touches the lives of so many, Naregs favorite event of the year is the Great Tryke Giveaway where LATLC partners with partner charity SoCal Trykers to giveaway custom designed bicycles to disabled children most of whom had never been able to ride a bike and are able to for the first time in their lives because of the custom Tryke made tailored for them. In 2023 Nareg Co-Chaired the Great Tryke Giveaway where the event received updates to its programming and held its most successful event to date. Coming off the successes of the following year, in 2024, Nareg was named Chairman of the Great Tryke Giveaway where work is underway with his colleagues on the committee to make it the best Giveaway yet.
“I was drawn to LATLC because its purpose is to make a positive difference in the lives of others. No politics or games - just an organized group of Plaintiffs lawyers and friends spreading hope and happiness to those who need it. It’s so meaningful, that my kids volunteer with me.”
You can find out more about Nareg Kitsinian and the Los Angeles Trial Lawyers' Charities by visiting Nareg Kitsinian - LATLC.