When you’ve been involved in an automobile collision, you have many things you have to do. Your priority is to take care of your health, but you may also have to handle a personal injury claim and try to negotiate for fair compensation.

Since you may be dealing with injuries and new or worsened disabilities, it is valuable to have someone on your side who can help. This is where a personal injury attorney can come in.


Personal injury attorneys have the job of helping you make your claim so that you can focus on your health. They will look into the specific laws that may apply to your case and negotiate with the insurance company (if one is involved) to work out a settlement that is high enough to cover your losses.

The reality is that because of your injuries and the stress you’re going through, you may not be in a position to negotiate or advocate for yourself. It may be harder for you to keep the facts straight over time, especially if you’re not organized.

Your personal injury attorney will do a few things for you, including:

  • Keeping track of information about your case
  • Talking to the insurance company or other defendants in the case while working on your claim
  • Going over settlement offers with you and discussing if they are reasonable or not
  • Helping you build a case that you can take to court if the insurance company or other parties are not reasonable
  • Preparing you to appear in court if needed
  • Helping you accept a settlement if one is reasonable

Attorneys are trained to negotiate, but they also know that they may need to look into evidence and challenge the other parties’ claims about what happened. Your attorney may work with their own team of investigators and experts to help strengthen your case so that you can get the most money possible out of the defendant.

As someone who has been injured, it’s important to protect your rights and to seek the compensation you deserve. Your attorney will help you do that.